FREE Life-Changing Event
May 1st – June 28th 2019

Stef Cybichowsk
A New Psychology For A New World
In my professional life, I am a master transformative coach, trainer and international speaker.
I have an absolute passion for helping people to wake up to their own innate wellbeing. In so doing, they can discover their infinite creative genius and potential at work and to live life with far more joy, love, ease, and grace than most people ever think possible.
In my time I have worked in the corporate sector and owned several successful businesses including an art gallery and a design studio. Over the last 6 years, I have shared the fundamental ‘Inside Out” understanding behind how the mind works, which is the invisible key to unlocking our unlimited potential. I work with business leaders, business teams, mental health professionals, schools and many solo entrepreneurs to find their own wellbeing, create levels of performance and achieve results that could previously have not been imagined. I work in Europe, the Middle East, Asia, Latin America, and the United States.
I am also on the teaching and mentoring faculty for Michael Neill’s Supercoach Academy in Los Angeles training coaches who want to share this understanding and make a difference in the world.