FREE Life-Changing Event
May 1st – June 28th 2019

Sheela Masand
You Are Enough
Sheela has created herself (quite by accident) a lifestyle business! She lives on the Costa Blanca in Spain and is never happier than when she is basking in the warmth of the sunshine of which there are 320 days per year! Her business comprises of on-line business coaching with clients around the world and events organising in her home town of Albir. She fell into this quite by accident too when author, consultant & trainer, Jack Pransky, asked to come and lead a workshop in Spain in 2012. She also co-founded and organises the annual Viva Event now in its 5th year.
Being her own boss gives her the freedom to choose when she spends time with her 2 grown up daughters, friends and travel to see family. It also means that when she needs some down time she can do that too. She has come to respect and treasure the ever present wisdom (at least when she remembers!) that speaks to us all and is guided by that in business and life.