FREE Life-Changing Event
May 1st – June 28th 2019

Lori Carpenos
If Only I Knew This
Lori was a middle school art teacher and art therapist when she heard of Syd Banks and his findings about the human experience. As she learned from Mr Banks and his students, she witnessed her own life and the lives of others improve so much, that she knew she had to share what she was finding.
She coauthored a middle school curriculum, with Dr. Jack Pransky, for The Safer Society Press, “Healthy Thinking, Feeling, Doing from The Inside-Out” and authored “It’s an Inside-Out World” for pre-teens.
She provided five 6 month long term training’s for parents and social service providers with Jack Pransky.
She currently holds a weekly teen group in addition to a private practice as a LMFT in CT and provides three day intensive retreats and online coaching.
She has also co-created the online course: “What is Love”
Website | Facebook | YouTube | Twitter | Linkedin | Replay | Books – It’s An Inside Out World – The Secret of Love